Install older version of google chrome 43
Install older version of google chrome 43

Method 3: Disable Chrome Update through Windows Registryġ. Finally restart your Chrome browser for changes to take effect. In the listed plugins, find the plugin named “ Google Update” and press the “ Disable” option under it.ģ. Open Google Chrome and at the “ URL Address Bar”, type: chrome://plugins& press “ Enter”.Ģ. Method 2: Disable Chrome Update through Chrome.ġ. C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\ UpdateĢ. Explore the contents of the "Update" folder and rename the " GoogleUpdate.exe" to "GoogleUpdate1.exe".Note: If you cannot find the Update folder at the above location, then look at the following location: 64bit Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\ Update.32bit Windows:C:\Program Files\Google\ Update.Navigate to the following location, depending your Windows version: Info: The "GoogleUpdate.exe" is the application that used from Chrome (and other Google products) to check and install updates.ġ. Method 1: Disable Chrome Auto Update by renaming " GoogleUpdate.exe". How to prevent (STOP) Chrome to Auto-Update. For these reasons, it's better to disable the automatic update procedure to avoid such problems. But sometimes these new versions are not very stable or they present compatibility problems in their use. Google Chrome performs automatic updates every few weeks in order to make Chrome browser more secure and stable.

Install older version of google chrome 43